Saturday, February 10, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This week's PhotoFriday challenge is "Sky" and I have so many sky pictures, but I don't know which one to enter. So for the next few days, I will post Sky pictures. My birthday party had everything: friends, kites, fresh air, and the clear sky.
Equipment: Olympus D-580
*I really want to save up for a more professional digital camera.
**UPDATE: It is now April, and I just wanted to brighten this photo a bit. It looked too dark and "emo".

About Me

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College student/ Beatles enthusiast in San Diego who was raised by a low income, super Asian family in Los Angeles suburbia. I reach for the stars (those Loubs on the top shelf) and crash back down to Earth. It's hard being money conscious and fashion obsessed at the same time.
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