Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Weird Winter Weather

Yet another blurry photo. I took this while calling a friend so I had a cell phone in one hand and a camera in the other. After a FREEZING night in Hacienda Heights, I looked out my window in the morning and noticed some white substance on the papayas on the papaya tree. I am not sure if it's ice. My brother says it's milk from the papayas. No, I did not touch it.
Equipment: Olympus D-580
Touch-Ups made with Adobe Photoshop 7
*Goals for my blog:
-make some finishing touches to the blog's background and put it up
-bring some more visitors to my blog by...
-participating in online photo contests (that's how I found out about a lot of great photo blogs like Eyespeak and Sydney Webcam)

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About Me

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College student/ Beatles enthusiast in San Diego who was raised by a low income, super Asian family in Los Angeles suburbia. I reach for the stars (those Loubs on the top shelf) and crash back down to Earth. It's hard being money conscious and fashion obsessed at the same time.
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